The Big IDEA: Inclusion Series (Inclusion Education and Training)


Empathy is often missing from conversations about DEI strategies and is critical to belonging. Although the lack of diversity, equity and inclusion affects different groups in different ways, it is ultimately a problem for everyone to solve. When people do not genuinely understand this, they are less likely to fully commit to change. Over the years, we have witnessed the power of storytelling to seed and scale empathy. During moments of social unrest or celebration, Snapchatters in all parts of the world have shared their lived experiences — enabling people to bear witness and show solidarity in a much more personal and authentic way.


In 2020, we launched a company-wide storytelling and conversations series called The Big IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Awareness). Team members, including leaders, share candid, compelling, deeply personal stories in front of an audience of Snap team members — on issues like race, gender identity, class, privilege, sexual orientation, mental health and disability status.


To date, we have aired nine “Big IDEA” episodes across the entire company. We offer allyship councils for employees that want to unpack how they can support different communities or discuss their identities more in depth.


When thinking about DEI at Snap we didn’t just look at the numbers. Scaling empathy comes from hearing real human stories, and understanding how different people have to navigate the world. We want to create an environment where everyone is valued, celebrated and supported for who they are. When that happens, our entire community benefits, and our business is also stronger.

Evan Spiegel
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