With businesses anchored in almost every community, we have the opportunity - and responsibility - to play a significant role in accelerating progress on the most pressing issues facing our society.
CEO Action brings together more than 2,500 CEOs who have pledged to:
Cultivate environments that support open dialogue on complex - and often difficult - conversations around diversity, equity and inclusion
Implement and expand unconscious bias education and training
Share best-known diversity, equity and inclusion programs/initiatives — as well as those that have been unsuccessful
Organizations recognize that signing the pledge is the first of many important steps. Contributing to and learning from actions other companies are taking is another.
There is no financial component and this effort was not meant to be another compliance exercise. We know that many companies have various reports and metrics in place to track their progress formally and informally. We wanted to create a different type of commitment that focused on sharing and collaborating with each other vs. one that focuses on quotas and metrics.
Once a CEO agrees to the core elements within the pledge, and confirms they meet the guidelines for becoming a signatory, they can download and submit the required documents for review.
Guidelines for Becoming a Signatory:
No government or government funded entities (state, local, or federal).
No subsidiary organizations. If there is a parent or national organization affiliated with the entity, that parent organization must be the signatory.
For foreign-based entities, the US leader is encouraged to sign. If foreign-based entities have a strong US presence, the Global CEO may sign.
Still have questions? Reach out to the CEO Action Team.