To all:
Like you, I watched the horrors in Charlottesville. I saw the faces of anger and of fear glowing pathetically by torch light.
I saw a street where love and hate literally intersected in a defining moment of chaos and abominable horror. On display was the enmity between those with open hearts, and those whose hearts had long been barren.
I watched cowards decorate themselves with phony emblems and recycled symbols of hate. This time hate has a new name but it is no different no matter how “alternative” they think it may be. It is still dark, and ugly, and responsible for nothing…nothing productive; nothing good; nothing that will leave the world a better place.
But our organization is different. The leadership of Bozzuto wholeheartedly denounces intolerance of any sort. Conversely, we embrace diversity and inclusion of each of our associates, as well as the residents that we serve. There is absolutely no place for anyone within our organization that does not share these goals.
Instead, our company is an exemplar of what can happen when a group of people that are diverse in race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and background work together to create extraordinary experiences for those we serve. We seek to understand each other, and continue to recognize the beauty and richness that diversity offers. As a result, our organization thrives and continues to succeed based on what we are adding to our community, not taking away from it.
Together, we will continue to dedicate our careers towards creating sanctuary for our residents and each other.
In moments of darkness, I am so incredibly proud to see the light shine from each and every one of you within this organization.
Warm regards,