Ensuring gender pay equity at REBA.
Since REBA’s inception in 2019, I have been extremely focused on pay equity. Actions I’ve taken include: keeping a careful ‘calibration’ spreadsheet mapping all employees’ salary; being extremely thoughtful about the rationale for each and every person’s salary; making off-cycle adjustments if/when I noticed anyone’s salary was unjustifiably low (note: in every case where an adjustment has been made, it has been a female needing upward adjustment); forcing all hiring managers to justify salary offers and reconcile with other employees in that pay band.
The outcome of my focus on pay equity has been: two pay increases for women whose salaries were unjustifiably low compared to male counterparts; male and female average salaries within 2% of each other at every payband.
As a female leader myself, I have been surprised to observe may of the gender pay-dynamics play out right here in my small organization: women accepting first salary offers, while men negotiate up; men reaching for higher positions, while women apply lower than they’re capable of. While, of course, are only trends, not seen in every instance, I have worked hard to ensure that these dynamics do not leave women behind and perpetuate pay gaps.