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DE&I Educational Resources to Further Build Inclusivity


As an organization, we're fiercely committed to moving forward. And for the Edelman Financial Engines community, that means fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive workforce and workplace. We have an unwavering belief in the importance of offering an environment where everyone is treated equally, fairly and feels a sense of welcome and belonging.


Our DE&I initiatives are rooted in creating awareness and commitment, providing education and resources and further building an inclusive community. Through a partnership with DiversityEdu, we have offered two new virtual education resources for all employees - Building Inclusive Culture and Inclusive Hiring -because increasing understanding and knowledge of diversity and inclusion will help bring change. These two new opportunities have been assigned to EVERY Edelman Financial Engines' employee and will educate our employees on several topics including unconscious bias and microaggressions.


Providing educational resources is only one step in ensuring we further build an inclusive community, so we will work together to continue to make the progress we want to see. We will all do our part by embracing our values and holding ourselves accountable. And if Edelman Financial Engines isn't living up to this standard, we ask our employees to say something - talk to their manager, leadership, HR, an Employee Resources Group, or anyone with whom they feel comfortable sharing feedback. Because that's how we1l all move forward - together.


There's a lot of work to do. As individuals. As teams. As a company. In our families, in our communih·es, in our country, and yes, in our business. I for one, am learning just how much I still need to learn. These educational resources are just one step in a much larger journey that we will be taking as a company towards creating a more welcoming, diverse and inclusive workplace.

Lawrence Raffone
CEO, Edelman Financial Engines
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