Allyship at SABIC


How might we help individuals, groups, and leaders at SABIC recognize that certain privileges exist and help use those privileges to create positive change in support of more just and equitable working environments for all of us?


In order to make a systemic and sustainable transformation of culture, it was important for SABIC to not only be aware of the societal inequities but also to take steps as a community to equalize them. The newly formed Allyship network emerged after the quarterly “Dialogues that Matter” sessions in which groups of employees raised their hand to be Allies who would leverage their positions of privilege to build and support inclusive environments and advance members of underrepresented groups. This network is self appointed and is across sites and job levels and seeks to educate, understand and empower those groups.


The network has conducted multiple sessions to educate other employees on taking the time to recognize their privileges, and understand where you can be the most useful based on the foundational understanding that our society has not distributed power and privilege equally amongst different social groups and building the courage to advocate for others and an interest in creating a better work environment for all.


Maya Nair

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