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Women’s Speed Mentoring


Many women face unique challenges when climbing the corporate ladder. At Faurecia, just like many other companies, the number of women in leadership roles declines at higher levels of the organization. While networking and building relationships is necessary to advancement, time can be restricting as employees struggle to balance their professional and personal commitments.


Faurecia hosts periodic Women’s Speed Mentoring events to connect women with high-level executives and other women within the company. Attendees rotate tables and connect with 8-10 executives and learn from their successful career paths, ask questions and develop relationships. Mentees also expand their professional network by connecting with other attendees and creating long-lasting relationships.


Years after their initial Speed Mentoring events, mentors and mentees maintain a relationship that is beneficial to both parties. Mentees have reported having an easier time navigating professional and personal challenges, and mentors say they continue to grow and implement changes based on their interactions with newer professionals.


Stefanie Thornton, Head of Talent Acquisition & Diversity

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