Varel’s population of female employees is 8% and there is only one female Executive Team Leader. The women of Varel are employed with various roles across the world. Most of these team members have never had an opportunity to meet one another nevertheless have had the chance to discuss their challenges and career aspirations. Varel’s female team members need access to mentors and skills to advance their opportunity for growth.
To accompany the recent DEI initiatives, Varel is excited to roll-out the formation of a Women-Focused Platform. To have an initial understanding of the group’s requests for content and availability a survey was conducted.
The survey received a 70% response rate. Results from the questionnaire reported that women from across the globe for Varel agree that we should share our experiences and bond as teammates. Many of the women on our team are interested in sharing knowledge, personal interaction, and networking. The two main topics requested for future discussion/education are work life balance and women leadership. While the group’s focus will be on the women’s collective concerns, ideas and requests participation is open all Varel team members to participant. Group sessions will be conducted virtually and in person. We look forward to growing the content of the upcoming sessions based on the ongoing needs of the group.
Selena Young