Women in Leadership


Cielo is committed to advancing women in leadership.


It is a passion, driven by our female Founder & CEO, to support women in leadership by creating a flexible work environment conducive to women building their careers at Cielo. Nearly half of our employees work remotely from a home office, which provides for many the flexibility to manage a lucrative career and balanced home-life. We have been able to maintain this ratio through thoughtful promotion practices and external hiring of new talent. Annual compensation reviews confirm we maintain gender parity in pay.

We are often asked what the magic is behind our ability to maintain this element of our organization’s culture during a period of significant growth (we have quadrupled in size in the past 5 years) and while gaining impressive industry accolades (we have been ranked in the top 3 in the HRO Today’s RPO Baker’s Dozen for 5 consecutive years). Simply put, we have always set our sights in being the most important provider in our industry, not in being the best female run business in our industry. We believe this has helped us create an environment where high-performing women may play-to-win on an equal field. As we continue our rapid growth, we are applying many similar techniques to our diversity hiring and promotion initiatives to increase parity in other representative areas as well.


Currently, 62.5% of our Global Executive Team is female and approximately 65% of our director and above leaders are female.


Sue Marks


At Cielo, we have a shared cultural belief that we achieve more when we create an environment that is fair, collaborative, inclusive, and reflective of the communities in which we live and work. As CEO, I believe it is my duty to ensure this remains an authentic part of the experience we deliver to our clients and our people. I am inspired to do more for ourselves and our clients based on the successes shared by the members of CEO Action for Inclusion.

Sue Marks
Founder & CEO, Cielo
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