Training Avantor associates on DEI topics.
Launched in April 2021, the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Discussion Series is led by the DEI Office and offers monthly discussions on DEI issues and topics for all Avantor associates. Previous sessions have included discussions on pronouns, microaggressions, creating safe spaces, and being comfortable with the uncomfortable. The discussion topics are developed with feedback from associates. While the sessions are trainings and will provide attendees key takeaways, the trainings are intentionally formatted as discussions to allow participation from attendees including sharing their own personal stories and experiences. To ensure access to unwired employees as well as global associates, these events are hosted virtually over the course of several days and in person at distribution centers.
Since the inception, we have hosted DEI Discussions at 6 distribution sites with over 650 non-wired associates. For the virtual sessions, over 250 unique associates have attended at least one of the sessions. These virtual events have strong global participation - 46% of the attendees were from North America, 36% are in the EU and another 18% reside in AMEA.
Noel France