In its Inflection Point 2017-18 report, the Allegheny Conference on Community Development found that the Pittsburgh region is on track toward a worker shortage of about 80,000 by 2025. This number is based on a variety of factors, including baby boomer retirements, modest job growth, and a talent pipeline that does not meet demand, as well as the loss of approximately 20,000 college students graduating and leaving the region every year. If the Pittsburgh region is committed to thriving, every stakeholder must view talent attraction and retention as not only an opportunity, but an imperative.
As the demographics of the nation change, it is crucial that the Pittsburgh region becomes a draw for a diversity of talent, and a welcoming place of opportunity for all. Organizations acting as leaders in equity and inclusion efforts play a critical role in making this talent transition. The time to act on the changes necessary for our region’s shared future is now.
The Vibrant Index, a collaboration between Vibrant Pittsburgh and the Allegheny Conference on Community Development, drives DEI changes across industry and sector. The Vibrant Index identifies areas of success as well as what critical actions are needed to improve the practices, policies, and cultures of organizations in the Pittsburgh region. The Vibrant Index encourages reflection on best practices and investigation of opportunities to increase DEI impact.
The goal? Moving the needle on talent attraction, retention, and elevation through annual review, recommendation, and implementation of practices for more welcoming, inclusive, and equitable work environments. By nudging organizations toward more inclusive practices, we aim to galvanize efforts around this shared urgency. A commitment to the goals of the Vibrant Index will facilitate the organizational changes that are necessary for our region to thrive.
In January and February organizational participants respond to a Diagnostic assessment of their current best practices. In the spring, participating organizations receive confidential feedback reports that reflect their DEI practices, showing their scores compared to sample averages, organizational size averages, and high scores in each category, as well as tips for adopting better practices in the future. In the summer, an annual Summary report of the data is released to the public to analyze trends and facilitate best practice dissemination. Organizations that utilize most of the best practices recommended by the Vibrant Index are considered Vibrant Champions.
In its first year (2019), 50 regional organizations participated in the Vibrant Index. In year two (2021), participation grew by 56% to 78 organizations. In 2022, participation grew by 33% to include 104 organizations. In 2022, 11 organizations achieved Vibrant Champions status (scoring at or above 95% on the Vibrant Index Diagnostic) which was an increase from four organizations in 2021.