Succession Planning


Identifying and developing in-house candidates is one of the biggest challenges for many organizations. Because of low turnover, companies tend to be reactive rather than proactive in their search for the future leaders. Without a strong succession planning program, we are not prepared to fill openings that are created by retirements or unexpected departures which forces us to search outside the organization for replacements.


To provide a platform to develop, engage and retain top performers in the organization.


Kronos Worldwide, Inc., one of several subsidiaries of Contran Corporation, has successfully launched a sales trainee program. This program has been implemented in the sales group in both the United States and in Germany. Kronos seeks to be inclusive in the selection process for this program to identify high potential individuals from various backgrounds. As part of the selection process, Kronos seeks innovative ways to diversity the workforce through the inclusion of women, minorities and persons with disabilities. It is through a diversified recruitment program where Kronos will be able to integrate diversity philosophy into their business mission. Along with one new hire, two current employees were offered the opportunity to be part of the newly launched sales trainee program. Through this diversified recruiting approach, one of the sales trainees is a female who recently received her degree in chemical engineering. A second trainee in the program is a recent graduate and newly hired employee of Asian descent. The sales trainee program starts with a training model that has been designed to provide the trainees with exposure to all aspects of the Sales team – from customer service to demand planning and logistics to participating in sales activities and account management. An important benefit in strategic succession planning is identifying in advance where there may be gaps between what employees need to know and what they currently know--competency gaps. It is through this training model that the Sales managers will work with each individual to assess their knowledge, skills and ability to move into future vacancies. A company at risk of losing a top salesperson without anybody in line to step into that role is vulnerable. Through this sales trainee program, we will work to identify and train internal successors to ensure the continuity of a competent and successful Sales team.


Patty Kropp


As an organization we are constantly seeking ways for our company to represent the diversity of our local communities and to provide our employees with meaningful opportunities to come together and become active participants in creating a diverse work place and to sponsor causes that will benefit society as a whole. Our goal is to be inclusive in hiring, promotion and retention and to cultivate an environment that focuses on a purpose of generosity with our time and talent to promote a better world for us all.

Robert Graham
President & CEO, Contran Corporation
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