Succession Planning


Preparing the next generation to handle this ever-changing world to create an enduring company for all with diversity as a focus and not limiting the opportunity to a few but to many.


Create a Succession plan based on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and develop a process of identifying, developing, and preparing individuals for leadership positions in a manner that reflects the values of DEI and our Core Values. Recognize that a diverse and inclusive leadership pipeline leads to a more representative and effective workforce and helps to build a more equitable and inclusive organizational culture.

In our succession plan, the organization considers the demographics, backgrounds, experiences, and skills of individuals across the organization when identifying potential leaders. This means that opportunities for leadership development and advancement are open to all employees, regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, or any other aspect of their identity.
Some key components of our succession plan:

• Assessing the organization's current leadership demographics and identifying areas where greater diversity is needed.
• Developing a comprehensive talent management strategy that prioritizes diversity and inclusivity.
• Providing equal opportunities for leadership development and mentorship to individuals from diverse backgrounds
• Creating a supportive and inclusive workplace culture that values diversity and encourages all employees to reach their full potential.

By implementing a succession plan based on DEI, we can build a more diverse and inclusive leadership pipeline, which can lead to better decision-making, improved performance, and increased employee engagement and satisfaction.

'To go fast go alone, To go far, go together' (Old African Proverb). Our company has always looked for talent and leadership without color, race, gender, age or sexual identity. We have always looked for the right person for the right seat and by integrating this DEI Philosophy into our Succession plan we are trying to ensure the continued success and longevity of the company for all.

Robert Anderson
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