Sponsorship Program


As part of our D&I strategy, we provide differentiated development programs to promote equity by addressing barriers faced by underrepresented groups in the workplace. In FY21, we kicked off our D&I Sponsorship program for members of our F5 Appreciates Blackness, F5 Connects Women, and Latinx e Hispanos Unidos Employee Inclusion Groups. The program follows a non-traditional model, focusing on providing participants with resources and toolkits to learn about sponsorship and support them on their journey along with opportunities to authentically and meaningfully connect with VP+ sponsor participants who have indicated their interest in engaging in a sponsorship relationship.


In our program feedback survey, participants reported an average 4.4/5 experience rating and a 57% rate of obtaining a sponsor.

At F5, we value each other… We acknowledge and build on the contributions and strengths of others. We support each other by putting the human first. We show up as real, vulnerable, transparent human beings who speak from the heart and willingly invest our time to help each other grow.

François Locoh-Donou
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