One of the challenges we’ve recognized is a lack of diverse senior level leadership within multinational corporations. It’s important for educational institutions to foster a diverse and inclusive environment and to identify the best and brightest diverse talent by providing them with access to these multinational corporations.
At The City College of New York— with a proud mission of social mobility and access to education and opportunity—we offer students access to multinational corporations with pipelines in place to set up our diverse talent for success as they rise to senior level leadership positions.
We provide students with mentoring, onboarding and sponsorship guidance so that they succeed within their workplace and beyond. Lastly, forums provide an un-biased environment to discuss issues that are affecting our diverse communities.
With our pipeline, students and CCNY affiliates have risen to senior leadership positions within these multinational corporations and are active not only in their place of employment but in giving back to their communities.
Through mentorship, students are appropriately placed in positions where they feel challenged, happy and supported. Their success has led to job retention as well as active participation within their communities and places of employment. Through onboarding guidance, students gain the rights skill sets and support for their entry-level jobs. Students who participate in sponsorships have an advocate in a senior level leadership position providing them with whatever they need to succeed.
With our forum series, CCNY creates a safe place to lead discussions about issues affecting our community in politics, race relations, DACA, gun violence, diversity and inclusion, etc. This ties into the unconscious bias training that prepares our students to check their blind spots as they go into the workforce.
City College was founded on a vision of social mobility and education for all. Today, that means our commitment to diversity must be second to none.