Race in the Workplace


Race in the workplace can be a complex topic. Whether it is having conversations around race or racially diversifying our workforce and residents, we are actively working to make race at Distinctive Living a priority.


To effectively address race, we plan on starting with dialogue. We plan to create a speaker series, inviting professionals to host conversations and Q&A sessions relating to social issues affecting the healthcare industry and beyond. Secondly, it's essential to empower our employees to create safe places, and so we look to growing our current Employee Resource Groups and providing employees the resources to start their own. In relation, it's essential to celebrate the diversity amongst our colleagues and residents by acknowledging cultural months such as Black History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Asian American Pacific Islander Month, etc. Lastly, we plan to continue to be intentional in hiring BIPOC employees by actively making sure we're hiring a racially diverse team through a robust diversity recruiting strategy.


We hope all of these will impact our company and people positively. The speaker series will bring a diverse perspective to our company to help facilitate and further the conversation on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Through ERGs and by celebrating diversity through recognition of culture months, we hope to empower our community to come together by celebrating our differences and learning from one another. This will not only improve employee relationships between each other but also with our residents. Through our actions, we hope to create a culture of belonging for our employees regardless of race or ethnicity.

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