Provided Education to CFMA Members and Non-Members


CFMA conducts a quarterly survey of its members and worker shortage is repeatedly identified the top challenge that our members face, since the construction industry has been historically homogeneous this could be one of the factors contributing to the skills shortage. CFMA is working to build a business case for diversity and inclusion and provide education and content to show how diversity and inclusion initiatives have direct links to business profitability by attracting new employees, increasing employee engagement/retention, and creating higher levels of performance for the company as a whole.

  • Create a Diversity and Inclusion Task Force to develop a sustainable diversity and inclusion framework for CFMA
  • Transition the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force to a Committee, which will help steer CFMA’s diversity and inclusion efforts and ensure that member and industry professionals are aware of the benefits and have the resources they need to take action
  • Create a business case for diversity and inclusion for the construction industry
  • Create webinars, online courses, and conference sessions that provide education to CFMA members as well as industry professional that help them understand the importance of diversity and inclusion and how they can take steps to implement diversity and inclusion efforts within their company
  • Increase awareness of diversity and inclusion for construction financial managers
  • Empower CFMA member to have conversations about diversity and inclusion
  • Encourage construction companies to take steps to implement diversity and inclusion programs in their companies

Samantha Lake


The construction industry has been woefully inadequate in addressing diversity and inclusion. The initiatives we have embarked upon provide a business case for why it makes sense for every construction company to incorporate diversity and inclusion efforts into their organizational culture and hiring practices. Five years ago when CFMA introduced the issue of suicide prevention to the construction industry we recognized that promoting it as the right thing to do was not sufficient and we needed to make a business case for companies to pay attention to this issue. We are taking that exact same approach in addressing the issue of diversity and inclusion. Through the business case our goal is demonstrate the positive financial impact a D&I program will have on construction companies. CFMA will then provide education and resources to help them make those programs a reality.

Stuart Binstock
CEO, Construction Financial Management Association
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