Parata Actions for Diversity and Inclusion


In light of the increasing racial tensions in 2020, Parata's response has been guided by a Desmond Tutu quote. "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." Parata will no longer be neutral on the issue of systemic racism, and we will take action so that we are part of the solution and not part of the problem.


Three Actions Taken by Parata Systems

  • Form a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council to define what DEi means at Parata, to recommend actions for improvement and to review our DEi program on a regular basis
  • Identify and implement DEI metrics (e.g., team member diversity population by gender, race, job title/function and pay) that will be measured every six months; Human Resources to analyze data and identify areas for improvement
  • Make "Day for Democracy" pledge to ensure our team members have the ability to vote in this unprecedented election year; team members to be provided with time off on election day (November 3rd) to vote

Beyond increased awareness and active engagement from our team members, we are too early in our journey to point to specific outcomes. We hope that through our involvement with the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion, Parata Systems can learn from and collaborate with other like-minded organizations who will be part of the solution required to improve diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace.

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