Design and Construction projects require a team of diverse professionals, assigned from an internal pool of available talent, while also working with the Customer and other Stakeholder teams. Some team members have a working relationship, other may not, or be new to our company. The culture and inclusiveness of the team environment plays a critical role in successfully completing a complex multi-year project, while also retaining, challenging, and advancing diverse talent.
Measure TEAM Health to identify opportunities for diverse talent to be empowered, thrive, advance, and innovate. Utilize technology to survey the project and department TEAM Health, in the following categories: Safety First, Cultural Inclusion, Game Plan, Shared Mission, Balanced Team, Urgency Listening, Communication, Innovation, Decision Making.
The anonymous survey results are provided to the Project or Department Executive and the Team Leader. They review the score, comments, and suggestions based on a rating system of Healthy, Bit Sick, or Sick. Corrective action plans are developed, results are shared with the team for alignment, and improvements are implemented. Enterprise-wide trends drive improvements throughout the company.
Through surveying the Team Health of diverse teams from (5) to (35) people, Walbridge has identified and improved team leadership and cultural inclusiveness dynamics, resulting in a healthier, more inclusive, productive, and innovative workplace.
Eric Twigg – Senior Vice president