Nielsen Diversity Dialogues


While most D&I efforts focus on “​who​’s not at the table”, “​what​’s not at the table” can be overlooked, which may hinder true inclusivity. 


Nielsen has started a series called “Diversity Dialogues” to offer bold, provocative discussions on topics related to diversity and inclusion with the goal of bringing “straight talk” to our culture. After a series of preliminary discussions with key stakeholders, we are hosting a global session every quarter on a diverse topic. Our first session on “Power and Privilege” discussed how privilege (or lack of it) shapes our lives and how power can be used for good. A second session on Disabilities & Visible and Invisible Differences brought a global group together to discuss the stigmas and biases around physical and cognitive differences. 


Diversity Dialogues capture a record number of viewers across the globe with great engagement. We have received excellent feedback from attendees, encouraging us to continue the dialogues; 96% of attendees have found the transparency and openness of speakers to be highly effective. 

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