Weil is unique among law firms for holding individual firm-wide conferences for Asian, Black, Latino and LGBT attorneys. To address the specific needs of all multicultural attorneys, the Asian, Black, and Latino affinity groups sought a way to combine efforts to impact change.
In January 2017, the Firm held a global Multicultural Attorney Conference bringing together Asian American, Black/African American, and Latino attorneys from across the US and London offices. The conference focused on recruiting, retention, advancement, internal networking, community engagement and strategic planning.
The program featured a "Talking Boldly" workshop led by Verna Myers which laid the foundation for the 2017
annual diversity training to support courageous conversations about race in the workplace.
Other conference highlights include a 1L Student of Color Recruiting & Diversity Reception and Client Panel, Courageous Conversations about Race panel exploring PwC's Color Brave efforts, gender breakout sessions on career, family, and community impact, a lunch discussion of strategic planning ¼ith Executive Partner and Affinity Group Management Committee Sponsors, and a "Future of Civil Rights" Panel with leaders from the Asian American Legal Defense & Education Fund, LatinoJustice, and Muslim Advocates.
Of the 180 total affinity group members across the U.S. and London, 93 members (52%) attended the 2017 conference. Key recommendations and outcomes of the conference with regard to recruiting, retention & advancement, business development , and pro-bono & community engagement were reported to the Executive Partner and Management Committee Sponsors of the respective affinity groups. Post-conference, the groups met to chart out key initiatives, events, and programs to achieve these recommendations.
Meredith Moore
Weil has always been committed to diversity and inclusion, dating back to when the Firm was established in 1931, and we are proud to be a leader and pioneer in this space. This commitment and marketplace leadership can be seen through the various programs and initiatives the Firm has launched, including introducing a formal workplace diversity policy in 1992, as well as one of our more recent initiatives - Upstander@Weil, which was launched in 2015. This program provides a new framework to build upon a legacy of "allyship" by explicitly communicating that all employees have a part to play in creating an environment of inclusion and mutual respect at the Firm. Now, more than ever, it's important to promote a culture of diversity and inclusion in our workplaces and our communities, and we are committed to doing just that.