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Mentoring and Sponsorship at Stantec


We want to increase the number of women in our talent pipelines.


We have developed female-focused advancement programs that focus on coaching, mentorship, and sponsorship. The largest two are Career Empowerment Program for Women and SponsorHer@Stantec.

Career Empowerment for Women is a coaching and mentorship program designed to be a catalyst for change and give women the tools to develop their careers through rigor in goal setting, connecting with other women, and by instilling a sense of empowerment to drive their careers forward. They are given help to identify career goals, strategies to enact goals, and tools to overcome unique challenges women face – all while cheering on and learning from other women.

SponsorHer@Stantec is a sponsorship program that focuses on growth through advocacy. Research shows that women are less likely than men to have a sponsor. Selected high performers are paired with senior level leaders. Leaders use their organizational capital to push for their sponsorees development opportunities and advancement. Sponsorship is a key lever to ensure that the identification and selection of developmental opportunities are aligned to career aspirations and enable progression.


We are increasing the diversity of our talent pools and on track to increase the number of women in leadership roles.


Asifa Samji, Acting CHRO, Stantec

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