Since 2019, DTCC’s strategic focus has been on advancing women of all backgrounds, specifically at the higher levels of the organization. This decision was made after reviewing past 5 years of representation data and researching best practices on how to drive realistic change.
- At the time of the study, gender representation at Officer level ranks (Executive Directors and Managing Directors) was low. We saw an increase in our overall diverse talent, but the percentage of women at the Associate Director level remained relatively flat. 2013 through 2019 only saw a <5% increase in women’s representation at Director, Executive Director and Managing Director levels.
- The data also indicated our propensity to hire and promote men has continued to increase even though a higher percentage of women were rated as High Potential Talent (HiPo) as part of the annual review process.
In order to address this disparity, we took the following actions:
- Women’s Focus Groups:
- The Head of Diverse Talent Management & Advancement spoke in-person with more than 200 women from DTCC globally to hear their stories and gain insights to inform our plans for improved experiences, mobility opportunities and developing longer lasting career paths at DTCC.
- Continuing focus on diverse candidate sourcing through engagement with professional organizations, educational institutions (HBCUs), and online resources like Jopwell, FairyGodBoss, Black Ivy Alumni League, Women Hack Career Fair
- Men Advocating for Real Change Workshops (by Catalyst) –
- In order to foster leadership engagement in the advancement of women at DTCC, we’ve partnered with Catalyst to bring its immersive 1.5-day Men Advocating for Real Change (MARC) Leaders Workshop to our Officers, starting in Q4 2019. This unique workshop is focused on empowering men to stand up for gender equity, recognize the importance and intentional engagement as strong advocates, sponsors and allies and intentionally in creating a gender inclusive workplace.
- Participated in McKinsey 2019 “Women in the Workplace” study
- CEO in Action Check Your Blind Spots bus tour