Leadership Engagement and Accountability


Accelerate the results of our D&I goals by increasing the accountability and transparency with staff and volunteer


To address the need for diversity of thought and leadership, we established three committees that provide the organization with a wide array of talent and resources to deliver on its mission to be a catalyst of health and wellbeing in the most effective ways possible.

Diversity Leadership Committee (DLC)
A committee representing the health, corporate, nonprofit, consulting, technology and other industries from organizations such as Twitter, Kaiser Permanente and Yale University, among others. They provide guidance on a variety of issues including multicultural marketing, revenue, advocacy, community impact, health strategies and strategic alliances.

CEO Diversity Advisory Cabinet (CDAC)
Established about a decade ago, the CDAC cabinet is comprised of staff representing a variety of roles, departments and locations. The Cabinet members are organized in sub-committees that advise on: Employee Resource Groups, Communications, Mentoring, Talent and Supplier Diversity. Their work influences senior leadership goals and attachment of executive compensation to increase awareness, transparency and accountability.

International Committee (IC)
A committee representing an array of diverse expertise/ ethnic backgrounds representing some of the leading health and business organizations in cardiovascular health in the U.S. and abroad. They lead Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) training, certifications and products -available in approximately 80 countries around the world with regional operations in Brussels, Hong Kong, Dubai, Sao Paulo, New Delhi and Beijing. Their work also impacts global cardiovascular advocacy and funding initiatives.


The DLC leads the way in advancing the EmPOWERED To Serve. the national portfolio focused on minority cardiovascular disease and stroke prevention, treatment and recovery. In 2017, it adopted for the organization the Social Determinants of Health model, and is instrumental in helping lead AHA's transformation into a catalyst for health equity and wellbeing. The DLC's guidance has been crucial in achieving 10M in social media engagements, surpassed our goal of 6%+ investments in under-represented minority researchers and revenue growth for multicultural work." It also maintains a steady pipeline of candidates to lead the committee through an ongoing nominations process. *through Q2 FY17-18

The CDAC has a pivotal role in advising the CEO and her team on internal best practices resulting in the clear definition of five focus areas: Communications, Employee Resource Groups, Mentoring, Supplier Diversity and Talent. Their knowledge and expertise has influenced the creation and/or enhancement of programs within each of these areas and beyond for the enhancement of the staffs cultural competencies and mission impact.

The IC plays a critical role in providing guidance on philanthropic and revenue-generating mission delivery work for ECC, AHA International, and International Corporate Relations. Through groundbreaking science and programs targeting governments, healthcare providers, hospital and pre-hospital systems, workplaces and communities, the AHA in coordination with local heart health advocates, societies and government leaders, is driving global heart and brain health around the world. They've also led the creation of nearly 1,000 training centers and certification of 30,000 instructors who provide CPR and other related training in more than 80 countries. Additionally, Brazil, China and the Middle East have recently began to use the Get With The Guidelines programs.


Gerald E. Johnson, II


Welcoming diversity and being an inclusive organization lie at the heart of our efforts to become a global catalyst for health equity and wellbeing.

Nancy Brown
CEO American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
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