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Launching NCCI’s First Employee Resource Group (ERG)—Together as One


A small group of employees identified an opportunity to complement NCCI’s larger Inclusion and Diversity efforts by amplifying the varied experiences and backgrounds of NCCI’s members.


A self-led Employee Resource Group (ERG) with executive sponsorship was established to address the opportunity and provide all interested employees with the chance to participate and support the company’s Inclusion and Diversity journey. The founders were joined by additional diverse voices to create a group charter and a preliminary governance model for its members to build upon post-launch.



NCCI’s first ERG was announced by our CEO at an all-employee Town Hall meeting and on the company Intranet. A more detailed introductory meeting was held with over 50 interested employees. The group, which is open to all employees, named itself Together as One, reflecting the common purpose of its diverse members. They are conducting ongoing meetings to create plans for achieving their goals and key initiatives. Specifically, the group’s initial focus is to promote cultural awareness through celebrations and education. The group will also initiate mentoring and study-support programs to facilitate employee development.


NCCI is excited about our first Employee Resource Group, which provides employees with the opportunity to be part of a ground-up approach for supporting an environment of acceptance and inclusion.

Bill Donnell
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