Intern Volunteer Effort


To help educate, mentor and instill community and diversity within our interns. 


To ensure that Aprio interns understand what it means to live the Aprio Way, in 2017 we partnered with local schools and charities, providing our interns with opportunities to give back to the community. This year, Aprio interns volunteered their time to three different organizations.

  1. Sandy Springs Education Network: Four times during their internship, Aprio interns went to local Sandy Springs middle and high schools to deliver engaging presentations on how to be successful in college and beyond. The firm's presentations and interactive activities were designed specifically for the Sandy Springs Education Force Link with a Leader program. The Link with a Leader program identifies students who are at risk of failing or dropping out of  school and provides them with mentoring, encouragement and presentations to help them succeed.
  1. The Packaged Good: This year, the Aprio interns spent a half day at The Packaged Good, a fun, inspirational environment where community groups can decorate and personalize care packages and crafts for people in need. They support our armed forces, the elderly, the homeless and hospitalized kids. During their time at The Packaged Good, the interns prepared bags for the Ronald McDonald House in Sandy Springs. After packing the bags, they dropped them off at the Ronald McDonald House where they learned more about the program and the individuals it serves.
  1. Boys and Girls Club- Brookhaven: Aprio interns volunteered two afternoons this spring to teach kids in the after-school program at Boys and Girl s Club in Brookhaven (BGC) about financial literacy. The interns spent a total of four hours teaching about money management and financial literacy to the teens at the BGC. They also spent about four hours preparing these lesson plans and presentations in advance.



Nicole Davis, Campus Recruiter


Because community involvement is so important and deeply engrained in the Aprio culture, it is important that we give our interns the opportunity to get involved early on so they fully understand what it means to live the Aprio Way.

Richard Kopelman
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