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Inclusion Education & Training at Ancestry


Over the past year, directors and above completed a required learning path to help them cultivate and lead more inclusive teams. In these learning modules, they learned how to build teams that foster a greater sense of belonging, drive innovation, and deliver great business outcomes. We will be rolling out additional learning paths for all Ancestry employees in the year to come.


In addition, our new leadership development experience will include amplifying diversity, equity, and inclusion as one of the core behaviors we expect from all leaders.

Ancestry is also one of several leading Utah companies that is a certified “Business Equality Leader,” offering diversity training through our partnership with Equality Utah.

At Ancestry, we are committed to helping everyone easily discover, craft and connect around their family story. To build a truly global product for all, we must attract and engage a diverse workforce with different voices, perspectives and backgrounds at the table. Our commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is one of the most important guideposts of our organization. We know actions speak louder than words when it comes to real and lasting change, which is why we are proud to join the CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion.

Deborah Liu
CEO, Ancestry
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