Inclusion Education and Training, Microaggressions, Mentoring


Confront discrimination and inequality in the workplace.


As a career HR practitioner and now business owner, I consider myself a champion of equality. I have been on an endless journey to confront discrimination and inequality in the workplace. I am passionate about helping organizations develop and implement organizational policies and practices to increase workforce diversity and career growth at all levels. Throughout my career I have advocated for workers who have not had the same professional advantages as others. I have accomplished this by:

  • designing and delivering training programs designed to reduce individual biases, facilitate dialogue, develop skills for interacting and working with others, and create awareness of the importance of diversity in an organization
  • educating hiring managers on the negative effects of implicit bias in the hiring process and how to reduce it
  • creating HR policies, practices, and procedures meant to remove barriers to employment and advancement for underrepresented groups
  • creating targeted development programs (i.e., mentoring, networking, and coaching) for underrepresented groups that level the playing field and create equal access to advancement opportunities within organizations
  • In service to my community and the HR profession, I have served as Chair of a Diversity and Inclusion conference for four years. The Conference, which brings together D&I practitioners, human resources professional, and business leaders, is aimed at providing a learning forum focused on the latest strategies and practices that can influence corporate social responsibility, eliminate barriers, and create fair treatment, access and advancement for all. 

While there is still much work to be done, I have seen some positive outcomes from the work I have done over the years.

  • Organizations being more intentional about diversifying the boards
  • People experiencing “Ah ha” moments during my training sessions and becoming aware of their hidden biases
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