Inclusion Education and Training at Distinctive Living


Unconscious bias and implicit bias can be a hindrance to inclusive company culture. From how we hire and how innovative we can be to how we interact, this can all be impacted by unconscious or implicit bias.


It's essential that we educated our employees and provide the necessary training on unconscious bias to cultivate a culture of inclusion. We plan to partner with an outside Diversity and Inclusion consultancy to facilitate unconscious/implicit bias and microaggression training on a bi-annual basis. This will offer managers and individual contributors alike the education around biases- What are they? How do we recognize our own biases? How do we address those biases? Additionally, we will provide additional learning opportunities around creating an inclusive culture through resources such as LinkedIn Learning and further online training.


Education is powerful in building understanding regarding addressing issues of racism, sexism, and other isms. By providing this training, managers and individual contributors will be given the tools around unconscious/implicit biases and micro-aggression to help with self-development. We hope the proper training will help employees identify what an unconscious/implicit bias or microaggression is and how they can be more aware of contributing to our culture of caring and inclusivity. Additionally, this will help make Distinctive Living a comfortable and safe place for our residents through improved understanding between our residents and employees.

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