

The global pandemic caused an instant shift to remote work for thousands of our employees almost overnight.  The continued spread of COVID-19 necessitated so many of our employees to work from home. This experience has also created a shift in employees’ expectations. CommScope realizes that work is what we do and the value we deliver, and for some, can be independent of where that work is performed. We’ve also learned that virtual collaboration can be powerful, but “purposeful proximity” through in-person interactions remains vital as it sparks great ideas and collaborative opportunities that can’t be replicated virtually.


Flex@Work is CommScope’s hybrid work model offering which enables the company and employees to achieve multiple goals  - employees gain from the benefits of physical, face-to-face interaction in the office -AND-from the ability to conduct work remotely. The offering was introduced in September 2021 and allows for flexible work location options for employees and their managers.  It allows CommScope non-production employees to do their best work in the location that makes sense for the business, our customers, and themselves. The core offering includes on-site working Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and remote working on Mondays and Fridays.  Eligibility is determined by several factors, including an employee’s role requirements and circumstances, and is approved by the Employee’s Manager.


When Flex@Work is successful, it can boost employee satisfaction by offering a better work-life balance for eligible employees.  It can also help CommScope attract diverse talent. Studies consistently show that engagement climbs when employees flexibly work.  Higher engagement, in turn, enhances productivity on an individual and organizational level.  With a reduction in commuting, employees will spend less traveling to work and lower their carbon footprint. 


Urvi Shah

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