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Evergy’s Business Resource Groups


At Evergy, we recognize that Business Resource Groups (BRG) advance our progress toward our DE&I goals, offer employees new development opportunities and have a history of being consulted as business partners about topics related to their shared affinity. For example, the VETS BRG recently helped grow the number of employees who have self-identified as Veterans. BRGs help the organization to better support all Evergy employees, enabling us to more effectively achieve our goal of fostering diversity, equity and inclusion and attract, retain, and develop the best workforce possible.


BRGs at Evergy offer employees additional development and access to different parts of the business. Evergy employees are highly encouraged to make the most of their involvement. The benefits and experiences employees have gained include:

  • Hands-on people-management.
  • Budget management.
  • Additional access to senior leadership team members.
  • Strategy development.

Over 20% of Evergy’s workforce are involved in BRGs. Each BRG has a dedicated Executive Sponsor, who is a company officer Each BRG president participates in a monthly BRG Leadership Council meeting where they collaborate and share best practices. Each BRG has its own governance structure complete with mission, vision and value statements. Each BRG has a dedicated commemoration month to which their BRG is responsible for enriching the company culture through communication and experiential learning opportunities. In 2022 Evergy launched its 8th BRG; Pride@Evergy, which represents our LGBTQ+ employees.


Silas Dulan

Our vision is to become the best energy company, and we know the only way to achieve that vision is through a diverse, equitable and inclusive culture that promotes productivity and innovation and engages the talented people who power our company.

Silas Dulan
Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
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