Engagement & Implicit Bias Training


Dispel the Myths of Inclusion - A natural assumption of Inclusion programs is to invite all associates who don’t look like us to the table. However, associate groups may still feel like an outcast or exile because of longstanding behaviors that go contrary to true inclusion. Therefore, the invited parties will not bring their innovative ideas and approaches to the table.


Training helps create awareness of each associate’s responsibility to alter their paradigms or ways of thinking and ultimately showcase behaviors that promote openness to others’ new ideas or acceptance of different approaches to getting work done. Three specific training programs have helped bring this to the forefront.

  1. Implicit Bias Training – by helping each associate and especially leader understand that we all have implicit biases, we can then better consciously minimize the impact of those biases on any interactions or employment decisions.
  2. Engagement Training –leaders are trained to ask their associates what engages them towards thinking and acting like an owner. Engaging an associate may require doing things a more customized fashion, and possibly differently than the leader normally transacts.
  3. Predictive Index (PI) – new to Marcum, the PI assessment is being offered to Marcum’s Executive Committee associates to better understand their own “natural styles” and those of the associates they support. No one factor is right or wrong, and the diverse mix of factors on any team can provide an atmosphere where every associate’s “voice” is sought out, heard and used.

Claudio Diaz


A primary focus of Marcum’s Diversity & Inclusion program is education and training at multiple levels of the Firm to raise awareness and equip associates with the tools to collaborate on achieving our diversity goals.  Our current initiatives include a module on recognizing and overcoming the implicit bias we all have in our interactions with others and a curriculum for managers and above on how to engage associates to think and act like owners.  We are also using the Predictive Index with our Executive Committee to help our national leaders recognize and leverage everyone’s natural work styles. Over time, these programs will help us collaborate more effectively and eventually create greater success for the Firm and our clients.

Jeffrey Weiner
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