Encouraging a Culture of Employee Trust and Empowerment through the Establishment of a Flexible Paid Time off Policy


Eliminate the worry employees may experience when unexpected personal needs arise, encourage a culture of employee trust and empowerment, advance our support for work-life flexibility and simplify existing paid time off (PTO) policies and processes.


In response to this challenge, we approved for implementation effective January 1, 2021, an unlimited PTO Policy. As a newly formed organization seeking to grow, we expect a lot from our employees in an ever increasingly complex and high performance environment. We acknowledge how hard our employees work and recognize the importance of providing flexibility.


By taking this action, we focus on the quality of the work our employees deliver and not the quantity of hours spent at working, we give our employees the flexibility to take the time they deserve without having to to worry about “banking” and “saving” hours and we encourage our employees to live healthy and balanced lives so when they are at work, they are able to bring their full selves, are highly focused and effective. Our initial employee engagement surveys indicate strong support for a transition to an unlimited PTO Policy. Outcomes will continue be assessed into 2021.

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