Diversity Philanthropy and Community Investment and Supplier Diversity at Callan


Ensuring our diversity and inclusion efforts extend to the firm’s business relationships. 


Invest in philanthropic and diverse organizations, select diverse suppliers, and engage with diverse and emerging managers. 


Callan has made considerable investments in the community, diverse organizations, and in programs like Callan Connects to provide clients with access to a diverse universe of investment managers Callan’s commitment to making an impact in the communities where we live and work dates back to 1973 when Ed Callan founded our firm. Today, his generous and charitable spirit lives on in everything we do. Whether it’s through community investment in diverse organizations or through our selecting diverse suppliers and investment managers, commitment to diversity is at the foundation of our firm.

  • From our headquarters in San Francisco to our regional locations in Denver, Chicago, Atlanta, Summit, NJ, and Portland, OR, our employees contribute to organizations that support at-risk youth, the disabled, the homeless, and more.
  • Callan started supporting the United Way in the early 1970s under Ed Callan’s leadership. Since then, we've expanded our support to include an annual employee giving campaign across all Callan office locations. We're proud to say our campaign participation rate has increased every year to over 80%, and Ed Callan won the United Way Bay Area’s “Lifetime Achievement Award” posthumously in 2012.
  • Callan selects suppliers based on gender and ethnicity considerations, which includes nine women-owned professional services businesses
  • In the early 1990s, Ed Callan laid the groundwork for our diverse and emerging manager engagement with his personal investment and involvement in a minority manager of manager’s fund. As a result, the firm in 2010 launched Callan Connects, the first-of-its-kind program developed by an investment consulting firm to engage emerging investment managers and diverse-, women-, and disabled-owned (DWDO) firms. The firm has since conducted over 300 meetings with DWDO asset managers and its clients have over $27 billion invested with these firms.

Ron Peyton


At Callan, we have found that providing a voice for each associate, listening to their diverse needs, and finding practical ways to honor those needs has created a culture that truly embraces a diversity of perspectives and nurtures each individual career path.

Greg Allen
CEO and Chief Research Officer
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