Many employers are struggling to advance disability workplace inclusion and, at a time when talent attraction is a top business priority, miss out on the talents of 29 million working-aged Americans with disabilities. At the National Organization on Disability (NOD), we heard from corporate partners that ‘you can’t manage what you can’t measure’. So, it was imperative to develop a disability inclusion baseline to measure adoption of best practices.
The Disability Employment Tracker™, NOD’s confidential, corporate self-assessment, allows employers to benchmark their disability inclusion practices against other leading companies.
Employers receive a free Scorecard measuring their efforts in six inclusion aspects: Climate & Culture; Talent Sourcing; People Practices; Workplace & Technology; Strategy & Metrics; and Veterans Employment. Offered annually—and at no cost—companies can use their Tracker results to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.
Hundreds of companies, to date, have used the Disability Employment Tracker™ to measure their disability inclusion performance. In 2017 alone, participating employers reported on outcomes covering 10.1 million employees. The increasing adoption rate of disability inclusion best practices, demonstrated by the Tracker’s annual benchmarks, reveals that corporate America is moving the needle on disability employment outcomes.
The quest for talent has become today’s defining business challenge. Yet many CEO’s overlook the 57 million Americans with disabilities, who spend their lives ignoring discouragement, persisting through setbacks, and finding creative routes around obstacles. They are a rich supply of talent, at a time when talent is at a premium. Our mission is to ensure that people with disabilities enjoy opportunities for employment and that leaders know how to put their talents to work.