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Digital Fitness for the World


Our responsibility to one another begins at home and extends to the communities where we live, work and play. Millions of workers have lost their jobs already, and millions more worldwide are now facing job uncertainty. With the overnight shift to remote working and limited employment models, the world needs new skills now more than ever to improve the ways of working and help to modernize the workforce.

We are making our Digital Fitness app free to people across the world until July 31, 2020. In addition to including over 60 categories of technology, innovation and business trends, it now includes a COVID-19 Resource Channel with more than 50 items related to implications for business, public health information, tips and planning for families, resources for primary/secondary school level resources and self-care.

Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play to download, and use the invite code “LRNALL” to get started.

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