D&I Connections


D&I Connections is an open forum to share topics and matters related to diversity and inclusion. Its purpose is to provide a safe place for uncomfortable conversations and the opportunity to learn, while networking across practices and levels. Monthly meetings are hosted by members of our D&I Council and the agenda includes deliberating on a featured Ted Talk. Previous Ted Talks have included Lucky Zip Codes, Why Am I So Gay?, and What It’s Like to Be a Muslim in America.


Participation is consistent and new employees continue to register each month. Employees are grateful that our Firm has this platform to acknowledge and discuss relevant and important issues going on in today’s world.


Tony Caleca


Since launching our D&I Connections this summer, I’m proud of the candid conversations, learning and networking across practices and levels that has occurred every month. We’re making great strides to advance diversity and inclusion within and outside of our firm, and we know the progress must continue.

Tony Caleca
Managing Partner
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