Action Categories

Developing a DEI strategy


Developing a DEI strategy and putting pen to paper on something we already do. We are looking for the right people for the right seat that we may meet the needs of all and create opportunities for all that want it regardless of color, race, gender, age or sexual identity.


This process is being developed at RBA and a few points we are working into that equation are:

1. Conduct a thorough assessment: Start by conducting a comprehensive analysis of the organization's current diversity, equity, and inclusion practices, including a review of company demographics, policies, and procedures.
2. Engage employees: Encourage employees to share their experiences and perspectives on DEI through surveys, focus groups, and town hall meetings. This will help us to understand their concerns and gather valuable insights into areas where we need to improve.
3. Establish goals and objectives: Develop clear, measurable, and time-bound DEI goals and objectives that align with our core values and mission statement.
4. Create action plans: Develop action plans that outline specific steps the organization will take to achieve its DEI goals. The plans should include tasks, timelines, and responsibilities.
5. Allocate resources: Ensure that adequate resources, including funding, staffing, and training, are available to support the implementation of the DEI strategy.
6. Monitor progress: Regularly track progress towards DEI goals and adjust as needed. This includes collecting and analyzing data, conducting surveys, and engaging in ongoing dialogue with employees.
7. Engage stakeholders: Foster partnerships with internal and external stakeholders to help create a more inclusive and equitable workplace.
8. Evaluate and adjust: Evaluate the effectiveness of the DEI strategy on an ongoing basis and make adjustments as needed. This includes assessing progress towards goals and objectives, gathering feedback from employees, and continuously improving practices and processes.

As we develop this DEI strategy it is important that we engage will all of our employees but just as importantly we need to get an outside perspective so we are not blinded by our own actions. People are our most cherished and we must never lose sight of that.

Robert Anderson
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