In 2021, Ulteig committed to authentic cultural and systemic change through significant strategic DEI investment and action. One of the five key strategies on Ulteig’s DEI Roadmap is to increase internal awareness and education around DEI, which leads to increased inclusion. One of the biggest challenges under this strategy has been the recruitment and retention of diverse talent. The engineering field has been predominantly white, heterosexual, cisgender men, creating a challenge to establish an inclusive environment where our growing team with increasingly diverse backgrounds feel a sense of belonging. Additionally, Ulteig is a predominantly remote workplace, so creating community, support, and networking can be difficult as most interactions are virtual.
In 2024, Ulteig implemented a DEI Quarterly Report. The report pulls information from several internal sources including our DEI Impact Survey, Employee Engagement Survey, and recruitment data. With this information, we identified several metrics to be employee-facing for the purpose of transparently sharing progress, opportunities, and challenges with our DEI efforts. We collaborated with Ulteig’s DEI Council to refine the report and ensure clarity and relevance for our employees. This quarterly report provides explanations of what the various metrics mean, why we are tracking them, and relevant external sources that support the metrics being tracked. The report is published on the company’s intranet and is accessible to all employees.
This report was recently launched on Ulteig’s intranet, so we are still determining the outcomes. We will track site views to measure employee engagement with the report and then use the DEI Impact Survey to assess its usefulness, clarity and utilization as a tool for ongoing DEI conversation and investments. This report aims to demonstrate the impact and potential returns on investment of Ulteig's DEI efforts in a clear and consistent way for all Ulteig team members.
At Ulteig, our culture is a clear asset in a highly competitive technical talent marketplace. We are building and maintaining a culture that promotes openness and trust. By providing transparent, in-depth results of our DEI Impact Survey data, we are building trust and representing how much we care about the varied experiences of all our team members. It also provides an opportunity to celebrate our successes and commit to improving the areas that need our attention.