Brandywine Realty Trust Mentorship Program


The Young Professionals Affinity Group (31 employees 39-and-under) requested more access to leaders for the purpose of mentoring, career guidance and general professional advice. 


The Young Professionals Affinity Group presented a new mentoring program to the CEO - a year-long initiative in which members of management would volunteer to mentor members of the Young Professionals Affinity Group by meeting with their mentee once per quarter for a casual discussion on a topic of the mentee's choosing. The relationship may continue beyond the year-long program if both mentor & mentee so choose. Our CEO's support of this program is a testament to his commitment to investing in the next generation of leaders. 


The program benefits the mentee by providing one-on-one face-time with more experienced company personnel along with personalized attention, advice and career guidance. This opportunity will give the Young Professional a clearer path forward in their career endeavors, along with more confidence to present their ideas. The company will benefit by hearing fresh thoughts and having happier, more confident employees who visualize their future with Brandywine for the long-term. 


People talk a Jot about mentorship ... In my career, sometimes I learned as much about what not to do from mentors as I learned what to do ... Mentors are a great thing and provide a platform for young people to be accountable for their own individual accomplishments - their own pathing and self-actualization. It is also a very rewarding opportunity for more seasoned personnel to give back. 

Jerry Sweeney
President and Chief Executive Officer
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