Bozzuto Employee Perspectives


We recognized the need to celebrate the robust diversity of our workforce in a way that was both inspirational  and educational.


We solicit "storytellers" during Black History, Woman's History, Heritage Months, Pride Month to share cultural stories and/or personal stories about their heritage, culture, gender, sexual orientation (i.e. What does PRIDE mean to me) in a Q&A format. These stories are published internally on a weekly basis during the corresponding heritage month for  employees to  read. During the  months where there is no nationally  recognized  heritage month, we solicit stories from other  diverse groups within the organization  i.e. Interns, Veterans.


Employee perspectives has quickly become one of the most widely read and anticipated internal communications within the organization. Employees have a unique opportunity to learn about different cultures and perspectives in a peer to peer environment and they have found these stories to be both educational and inspirational. Featured employees often receive direct positive feedback from other employees, who they may or may not know, who can personally relate to the stories shared.


We have built our company through the combined efforts of people with a variety of backgrounds, genders, cultures, races and abilities. We are proud of, and thoroughly committed to being an organization that recognizes the beauty and the richness of diversity.

Toby Bozzuto
President and Chief Executive Officer, The Bozzuto Group
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