Boston Scientific’s (BSC) South Asian’s in Leadership (SAIL) Employee Resource Group (ERG) is tackling the issue of limited access to health-care for underprivileged persons in the communities surrounding our India facility. The main focus areas for these health camps were determined to be women’s health awareness and general health awareness, including physical, dental and vision checks.
SAIL has partnered with VT Seva, a United States based non-profit service organization that provides health and human service programs to people in India, to launch two health camps in the communities surrounding BSC India headquarters. The first health camp was focused specifically on women’s health, including screenings for general health concerns and cervical cancer, which is highly stigmatized and often left untreated. The second camp will take place at the end of 2018 and will be focused on general health awareness for under-privileged students and their families.
Both health camps in India have and will continue to reach underprivileged communities in India. The first health camp in 2016 had over 100 participants, who were screened for general health and specifically cervical cancer, with many moving on to advanced treatment based on the diagnosis. The second camp in 2018 aims to reach 350 – 400 participants and will include vaccinations, eye glasses for those who need them and follow-up exams for the year following the end of the health camp. This method will ensure the maximum number of people are treated in the short period of time; as well as providing additional resources for follow-up treatment for those who need further services. The health camps have provided much needed access to health care, created an opportunity for Boston Scientific to further impact the communities in which we serve and increased general brand awareness about Boston Scientific in India.
Olivia Truax
Working in healthcare, we have the unique privilege and responsibility to use our resources to help improve patient health and enrich the communities where we operate. The Boston Scientific South Asian’s in Leadership (SAIL) Employee Resource Group (ERG) is serving an important need by providing underserved people with access to important health screenings and education.