Board Commitment


The founding board of the Unreasonable Group had 4 external board directors. All were white and 3 of the 4 were men. 


We made a commitment that 50% of non-executive board members would always be women, that 50% would always be people who self-identify as black or people of color, and that at most, 25% of the board would be made up of white men.


Our board is now 50% women, 50% individuals who identify as black or people of color, and we don’t have a single non-executive board member who is a white male.


Daniel Epstein


We strive to ensure that the demographics of our team and the community we support are reflective of the globally diverse world we operate within. This is not a gimmick, this is a strategic imperative. It is self-evident that the most productive breakthroughs and creative solutions arise from bringing together people and partners across geographies, religions, ethnicities, political affiliations, genders, abilities, and creeds. From our board of directors to our teammates, to the entrepreneurs and mentors we support, we aim to ensure our community and our brand is representative of the world we are seeking to impact.

Daniel Epstein
CEO, Unreasonable Group
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