Blind Spots Training


Research demonstrates that unconscious bias can be a significant obstacle to achieving inclusion in the workplace.


In 2009, PwC hosted our first implicit bias session with Harvard professor Dr. Mahzarin Banaji the co-author of Blindspot: The Hidden Biases of Good People. Prof. Banaji delivered a dynamic half-day seminar about blind spots to the firm’s leadership team. The course provided insights into how the human mind operates and offered a shared vocabulary to discuss potential blind spots in the workplace.

This live training was so well received by our partners we decided to create an online video series to share with all of our people. The goal is to help our professionals identify these common biases and teach ways to slow down thinking to make better decisions.

  • Confirmation bias: Looking for qualities and behaviors that confirm your beliefs about someone and ignoring those that contradict your beliefs.
  • Halo/horns: When one positive or negative impression of someone carries over into all future interactions with that person.
  • Prototype bias: Assuming that someone is the perfect fit for a role or task based on stereotyping.
  • Similarity effect: Being drawn toward and trusting people who are most like us.

Because we believe managing diversity is a core leadership skill, we expect all new hires to complete the series and made it a criterion for promotion.


To date, over 30,000 PwC professionals have completed the firm’s blind spot video series.

Now we are bringing this education into the public domain on our website which includes videos, quizzes and discussion guides. We encourage individuals and companies to use these materials to harness the power of diversity by promoting open conversations about blind spots.


Elena Richards

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