Our Chairman and CEO, Brent Saunders, saw the impact that political uncertainty around immigration could have on talent within Allergan and throughout our industry.
CEOs have a role beyond just their organizations. They become role models for the communities we touch. Brent Saunders has used social media channels to state his -and Allergan's -stance on policies that can decrease diversity in organizations. In January of 2017, when President Donald Trump's move to block arrivals from seven Muslim-majority nations was becoming a hot topic for many CEOs across industries, other Pharma companies remained "quiet" according to Business Insider. Brent Saunders took a stance by Tweeting that he opposes "any policy that puts limitations on our ability to attract the best and diverse talent."
In September, when President Donald Trump made another move against immigration and removing the previous DACA order, Brent Saunders leveraged social media again by tweeting "Let's move past exec orders. Congress please act on
immigration reform to protect those who have done no wrong & keep our labor pool strong."
Brent and Allergan Leadership continue to make an inclusive and diverse workforce an important commitment. In July 2017, we launched an internal Inclusion and Diversity project leadership team from across the organization (16 members) who are working together to define our inclusion and diversity philosophy. Our philosophy will be shared across the organization to further embed our position on this important topic within Allergan.
Viewed as a leading Pharma company on our stance on immigration and diversity as components of having a strong
Let's move past exec orders. Congress please act on immigration reform to protect those who have done no wrong & keep our labor pool strong.