Our organization, which serves older adults, is increasingly serving a larger community of LGBTQ+ residents and participants. We wanted to educate our team members to broaden their own understanding and assure respectful care is provided to those we serve.
In November 2017, interactive presentations were provided to all team members and leaders across the organization entitled “Improving the Quality and Services of Supports offered to LGBTQ Older Adults”. The sessions were presented by Judy Lewis, Training and Education Coordinator of SAGE (Services and Advocacy for LGBT Elders), Metro Detroit. The goal of this session was to ensure our team members and leaders were appreciative of the challenges and needs of those in the LGBTQ community, and had the tools and knowledge to know how to engage and be respectful in their interactions and caregiving.
An increase in cultural competency was developed with team members. Employee engagement results show a strength in the acceptance of all aspects of diversity.