Burlington’s Statement of Commitment to Advancing Inclusion, Diversity, and Equality


Burlington is committed to advancing equality and social justice as we continue to build an inclusive and welcoming workplace. We stand for equality and respect the dignity of each person. We embrace the many facets of diversity that strengthen our communities and our company. And we believe that everyone deserves to be treated with empathy and understanding. To put these values into action, we have launched Inclusion & Diversity 2.0, Burlington’s diversity action plan. Three main objectives drive the deliverables of our action plan:

  1. Ensuring that we continue to provide an inclusive workplace culture where everyone feels safe, respected, and valued, so that they feel comfortable bringing their true selves to work each day.
  2. Growing our pool of diverse talent in leadership roles through recruitment and the development and promotion of internal associates.
  3. Demonstrating our commitment to inclusion, diversity, and equality to our customers, vendors, and partners, as well as within the diverse communities we serve.

The focus areas of our action plan, aligned with these objectives, seek to create sustainable and long-term change organization-wide. Initiatives include increasing awareness through a mandatory diversity training for all field and corporate associates, building capacity through hiring an executive-level role on the Inclusion & Diversity team, and supporting the fight for equality with $1 million in funds dedicated to social justice and racial justice causes.

A purposeful commitment to supporting inclusion, diversity, and equality is more important than ever before, and Burlington is extremely proud of the steps we continue to take to put our commitment into action.

To learn more about Burlington’s inclusion and diversity efforts, please visit www.burlington.com/ID.

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