Athene Black & Brown Business Summit


According to the most recent Census Bureau data available, Black people compromise approximately 14.2% of the U.S. population, however, Black businesses compromise only 2.2% of the nation’s 5.7 million employer businesses. Iowa is rated one of the lowest states for minority businesses, with only one minority owned business for every 43 minority residents. With these statistics, Athene recognized the need to advance the minority business community across the country and help position Iowa as the best place in the nation to start and lead a minority-owned business.


The Athene Black & Brown Business Summit was created by national stakeholders to elevate ethnic minorities and bring minority businesses together to assist in connection building, programming, promotion, training and providing resources to help businesses grow and prosper.

Athene collaborates with our local West Des Moines Chamber of Commerce to host this event. The two-day

event designed programming around an overarching theme of building a legacy of wealth. Participants gained educational opportunities, network, participate in a pitch competition and celebrate achievements. $42,000 in prizes are awarded to 10 minority business owners from across the country.


The Athene Black & Brown Business Summit is a highlight for Athene each year. Many of our employees participate from sales, procurement and HR to network with attendees. In 2022, there were nearly 400 in person attendees and 200+ from over 23 countries. The pitch competition led to positive elevation for the competitors including new exposure and access to capital to grow their business.

The Athene Black & Brown Business Summit allowed Athene to add new businesses to our supplier diversity pipeline and other corporate sponsors including Lola’s hot sauce.

In 2022, we received the Equity Innovation Award from the Greater Des Moines Partnership for the Athene Black and Brown Business Summit.

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